Travel CRM
- Do you have problems with inquiry Customers Data for your Travels & Tours Business?
- Do you have problems in Reporting Process from your each of operation departments?
- Do your Operation Staffs miss Opportunities & daily tasks for customers? So, if you want to solve easily above your problems, you need to use Travel CRM & let’s change the smart operations for your organization.
Even though your Travels and Tours company prepare planning for Tour Plans and Tour packages, delay in advertising to your customers, interrogation in Quotation and failure to provide accurate information to customers’ inquiries lead detrimental to the company.
– HIMS’s Travel CRM is ready to provide best support for Travels & Tours owners in solving their problem properly.
– After reviewing Travels & Tours companies, Travel CRM is tailored to suit travels and tours operations. Travel CRM (Customer Relationship Management System) is a Cloud System, so you can check easy activities and schedules of the staffs in your operation. And then management team can know day-to-day sales efforts of the sales & marketing department that resulting in a positive result for the company and will improve the sales process.
– It is the best for the company to smooth the operations of your company and make the business smarter. Operation plan of each department can arrange in the Travel CRM System.
– As soon as Management assigns tasks of their staffs with Priority, staff can perform their tasks promptly. Alert Function will support update information of Invoice and Payment situation. Reporting Function will also support Business Decision timely.
– As Customers’ information can keep in this system in detail and customized the plan for Customers Category, Travel & Tours owners and staffs in operation can perform customer targeting emphatically.
– We look forward to support with Travel CRM System of our HIMS for your Travel & Tours Company.
Customer information
discussion information
sales process
daily activities
sales information Sharing
sales targets
Which team of Travels and Tours Company should use Travel CRM System?
Sales Team
As for the Sales Team, Sales Target will be set firmly as we can find out detail of each sales person’s daily activities and Follow Ups procedures concerning with customer, Daily Quotation sending and Sale Order issuing.
Marketing Team
As for Marketing Team, they can set their company’s marketing target as they can find out sale plans, future customers, opportunities customers and the status of potential customers quickly.
Customer Service Team
As for customer service team, they can provide good customer service and can create smooth relationship with customer as they can check interaction with customers, reviews from customers, the status of feedback and replies and then can also save History record easily.