What is Mautic ?
Mautic is the only free, open source marketing automation. (Lead nurturing and tracking, marketing campaigns, dripflow programs, Landing pages, social media monitoring and more.)
Helps you save time by handling repetitive marketing and sales tasks on pre-defined schedules, and by gathering critical and useful information into a central location to help sales teams focus on the right potential customers and leads at the right time.

Watching and tracking what visitors to your website do on your site and also what they have done elsewhere.

Lead Specific Details
Two types: anonymous and known visitors. Known visitors have more detail both automatically and manually added.
Points are ” the key feature ” of a strong marketing automation workflow. Points give ” weight ” to potential leads.

Campaigns are the workflows you use to nurture leads along the sales cycle.
Emails are one of the primary communication channels with potential leads. Part of campaigns & workflows.

Forms are a primary source to convert an anonymous visitor to a known visitor (potential lead).
Landing Pages
Also known as squeeze pages, or call-to-action pages these typically hold a form and give something of value to your potential leads.

Assets are those resources you will provide to your site visitors. “White papers, videos, infographics” are a few examples of assets.
You will need to be “aware” of how well your marketing is working and reports give you the “insight” you need.

1. Add Tracking Code
Either directly add HTML to your website, or use one of the community created plugins.
2. Collect Lead information
Anonymous visitors need to be converted to known visitors. You can use forms and landing pages to collect specific information.

3. Nurture leads
You need to nurture leads through campaigns and other “points of contact” . Use workflows , assets, and landing pages to provide value to your leads and improve your relationship.
4. Integrate points
You should define the most useful point values to properly weight your potential leads. Important: You should constantly be updating, improving and modifying your point values to be more accurate.

5. Define outcomes & goals
Create the ideal outcome or the goal you want to achieve with each successfully nurtured lead. Example : Moving a lead from Mautic to your CRM of choice.
Our community comes together and creates software to empower small and medium businesses to take advantage of the potential of marketing automation and lead generation. We believe in equality for all businesses and that every business regardless of size should have equal opportunities for success. Our software provides these businesses with the cutting-edge software platforms of marketing automation and lead-generation previously only available to large, corporations. We believe in the power of small business, and we believe what we’re doing can change the world.