Maintenance Service crm
Accoording with the improving Technology ,We need to complet with our service to take advantage. In this case, your operations
Can Record history of After Sales Service Operation be maintained?
How are Our employeesdoing?Are you manage how you interact with customers coinciding in time?
To know that your services are satisfied by customer,are feedback and service Reports systematic?
Do you have a collection of data that can systematically analyze need for upgrading your service Level?
After reviewing your operation with a few questions, we would like you to take a look at our Maintenance Service CRM.
The MS CRM System (Maintenance Service Customer Relationship Management System) has (4) main roles.
1. Marketing Operation
2. Sales Operation
3. Service Operation
4. Sales Admin Operation & Purchasing
Marketing Operation
The supports for marketing process to start looking for new customers and introducing your products and services are:
– Seminar, Event task and Schedule Control
– Email that can send marketing mail to many mail addresses with one click
– Leads to maintain potential customer information
– Webforms that can record lead customers’ information inquiries
Sales Operation
Once you have recruited your new customers through marketing processes, you will be able to follow up with high probability customers through sales processes;
– Contact to maintain detailed customer information
– Opportunities control as a process record of all our efforts by planning a target and schedule for the sales process
– Daily Report that can easy to report daily activities
Service Operation
When you run the most important service processes to gain the trust of your customers and to build customer loyalty;
– Opening maintenance inquiries using the customer portal of MS CRM
– You can check how we are accepting inquiries through our customer portal
– Maintenance Engineers can also communicate the status information of every customer service activity through the customer portal. It will be saving time and worrying about data privacy.
– For Maintenance Process Control with Ticket Function, you can keep step by step service records and can provide Service Report as soon as your service is ended.
– By receiving customer sign at once and confirm service completion Able to record all maintenance history with photo / video
– If you have customers who have signed a service contract with you, you can maintain contract schedules with service contract (function)
– Q&A sections can also be used to discuss questions and answers in the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ). FAQ will support to solve frequent user errors with the dos and don’ts answers. Frequently Asked Questions from Customers to Avoid Frequent User Errors. The FAQ function will help you with the do’s and don’ts.
Sales Admin Operation and Purchasing
Quotations to support Sales Admin Operation;
– Sales Orders, Purchase Orders and Invoices can be withdrawn from the system easily with step by step process from Quotation.
– Easy to follow up the required invoice follow-up by inputting payment data of invoices.
– Inventory control (function) will help you to know your stock conditions
– Can be able to check stock balances and issue purchase orders
– Vendor Function will help to Supplier Information and Product / Service information by classifying respective type. It can also help to keep Purchasing price and to set Selling price / Sales commissions can be set.
One of the advantages of MS CRM System (Maintenance Service Customer Relationship Management System) is Report and Alert Function.
– All necessary reports can be easily generated from the data entered in the system
– Able to Download with both Excel and PDF format
– Schedule Alerts and alert can be set for other important processes
– Control User Role allows you to work according to user level. data create; Data create and data edit will also be able to control
– The functions such as data cannot easily be seen by others and preventing download will provide secure data privacy.
By now you know about Maintenance Service CRM System.
I explained to you the four main functions of MS CRM System (Maintenance Service Customer Relationship Management System). Information on keeping records of customer inquiries in your company’s operations, tasks of employees working during the operation; We encourage you to use the MS CRM System to know the schedules.
We, Hirokei Myanmar look forward to supporting you with MS CRM System to enhance your service operation into a Smart Operation and strive for the best service to build customer loyalty.
Marketing Operation

Sales Operation
sErvice Operation

Sales Admin operation and Purchasing
Daily Activities

sales Targets

What kind of team should use the Maintenance Service CRM System in the operation of After Sales Service Companies

Customer Services Team
In the Customer Service Team, Engineer team can report to Management team concerning with the step of service provided by each engineer when they visit to the customer site, there are steps to follow when visiting each Engineer’s Customer Site. Numbers of Customer sites visited for one day and problems that have been solved by them. So Management team can know the performance of the engineers.

Sales and Marketing Team
The Sales and Marketing Team also has Inquiry (of) Customers; The data of the marketing customers can be written in the system, so it can be easily searched at any time and the opportunities are open according to the follow-up situation of the customers. Potential customers will be able to work on the system in real time until the sales win, so that sales targets can be met within a specified period.

Management Team
The management team can also generate a daily report on the day-to-day tasks of each department assigned to the system and provide the best advice on the parts needed for the operation. The Management Team can assign tasks to the employees of each department in the Calendar Function with the days, so that the tasks can be divided and assigned. With a history record of departments working in the system, it is easy to find what you want to know, and as it is a cloud-based system, you can manage the entire operation of the company anytime, anywhere with the Internet.