Biz crm
Do your company have a problem in management between Company and the customer?
Do you have a problem to manage your Employees?
Do you want to more faster in your management?
You need to use CRM …
Your company’s product and service have a good quality but have a problem to sell ? And your employees are smart but lack of connection to each other in workplace..It is because you need to use CRM in your company’s management.
CRM or Customer Relationship Management is a system for your company that can easily manage between employees and the customer in a tool that is used for contact management, sales management, productivity, and more. The goal of a CRM system is simple: Improve business relationships.CRM enables a business to depend on its relationships with customers, service users, colleagues, partners and suppliers.
It’s better to make your company management with latest strategy.Customer relationship management (CRM) is a technology that allows any business of any size to collect, analyze, and retrieve all of the vital information associated with its customer base.
Customer information can be maintained in the CRM Customer Category A custom may be scheduled with the owners of the Company for the Employee-Customer Targeting as well.The CRM system that we provide is called Biz CRM system.
Customer information

discussion information
sales process

daily activities
sales information Sharing

sales targets
Type of Biz CRM can be used in team of your company like …

Sales Team
Sales Team, a movement of each Team Member Activities and Follow-ups and conditions Product sales orders in order to know the details of the situation and, the Company’s Sales Target To be able to establish clearly.

Marketing Team
Marketing Team with the opportunity to move toward Sales Future Customers rapidly detect the status of your company’s marketing will be able to set a target towards us.

Customer Service Team
Customer Service Team Customer inquiry investigation, Feedback Reply to solve the situation can easily check on leaving Record is able to implement enhanced services.

Inventory and Purchasing Management Team
Inventory and Purchasing Team of our Supplier and Company Product and Service Technical information The price data, You can remember the service contracts and related papers. You will be able to facilitate the Purchasing Management.